Apr 13, 2023

23. – 25.05.2023 – Hackathon: Hardwood and process optimization of regional value chains in timber construction

Hackathon – Hardwood and process optimization of regional value chains in timber construction

From 23 - 25 May 2023, an ideas hackathon on the topics of hardwood and value chains in timber construction took place at the University of Stuttgart. Under the motto #hackinghardwood, 53 students from the subjects of business administration, architecture, technical cybernetics, computer science and some other engineering sciences developed ideas and concepts on current topics in the timber construction industry. The topics of raw material utilisation, upcycling and data exchange were particularly close to the students' hearts. 

Hackathon in the Stuttgarter Zeitung


"For a building turnaround, we need you and your inspiring and realisable visions!" Minister Peter Hauk MdL encouraged the students at the beginning of the event. In the further course, the students had the opportunity to dive deeply into the topics of the industry and to work practically in interdisciplinary teams.

They were supported by the companies Holzwerk Keck, Holzbau Schaible, HolzBauWerk Schwarzwald and müllerblaustein HolzBauWerke, among others, who gave them an insight into the day-to-day work of the industry during company tours and acted as mentors throughout the event.

In the workshops that followed, the students learned to transform the impressions they had gathered into company and business models. In doing so, they were guided by the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research (ENI). The ENI promotes entrepreneurship at the University of Stuttgart in theory and practice with an interdisciplinary approach that combines new technologies, innovation and science with the idea of sustainability, focusing above all on practical teaching.

At the end of the event, the students presented their ideas in a five-minute pitch. A jury of experts then selected the three best concepts and awarded recognition. The jury awarded first place to the Kata Wood project, in which offcuts and residual wood are digitally recorded and offered to wood-processing trades via a platform or even calculated for further use by means of AI.

The ideas and concepts at a glance

Kata Wood, 1st place

About 75% of a deciduous tree is currently not processed to a high quality. Instead of burning offcuts and residual wood, the wood is to be recorded by means of 3D scans and offered on a platform for access by wood-processing trades. In this way, even small pieces of wood can be cut and dried. Furthermore, the use of the pieces of wood can be calculated by AI. The timber is stored in the sawmills.

digital forester, 2nd place

During the Corona pandemic, the number of citizens who regularly visited the forest increased. The app digital forester combines awareness-raising and information about the forest with the simultaneous collection of data about it. Users can, for example, provide information about the condition of trees, dead animals, pollen count and much more to the forestry office through photos and comments.

Artemis, 3rd place

Artemis provides a communication platform for better networking of planning and production in timber construction. This is intended to bring together not only all the value chains involved in an overarching platform, but also politics and research. In a forum, questions can be clarified and timber offcuts can be offered.

Tree Top, recognition

Not only does wood production generate a lot of waste, but also the demolition of houses results in the disposal of a lot of high-quality waste wood. For the purchase, preparation and resale, Tree Top offers a platform that is not intended to serve as a trader but as a platform for already existing trade relations and at the same time increases the use of scrap.



digitize wood is based at the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC at the University of Stuttgart and is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection (MLR) as part of the BW Timber Construction Initiative.